giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

Frasi chiavi per la lingua inglese. Dodicesima Serie: English Idioms. Advanced

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Sommario: 1. Idioms: a definition. - 2. Proverbs. - 3. Euphemisms. -

1. - S - H -

Idioms: a definition

1. Idioms are a type of formulaic language.
2. Formulaic language consists of fixed expressions which you learn and understand as units rather than as individual words.


2. - S - H -


A garden
1. Proverbs are short sentences wich refer to something most people have experience and wich give advice or warnings.
6. Cover: She always felt overshadowed by her older, more successful, sister.
7. Cross: He overstepped the mark when he said that.
8. Will you be staying overnight?
9. Under- may indicate less than the desidered amount (a), or something below another thing (b), or some kind of negative behaviour (c).
10. Less: Don’t underestimate the time it will take.
A door
11. Less: The company is seriously understaffed.
12. Below: It’s quiet wet underfoot? Did it rain last night?
13. Below: The underlying question is a very difficult one.
14. Negative: I wish you would not undermine everything I do.
15. Negative: He did it a very in a very underhand way.
16. Up- can suggest a change of some kind, often positive.
17. The airline upgraded me to businnes class.
18. There has been an upturn in the economy.
19. Cross- (from across) usually indicates a link between two separated things.
20. Cross-border cooperation has led to a number of arrests of drug smugglers.
21. Cross-cultural misunderstanding often happen.

3. - S - H -


A drink
1. Euphemisms are a type of idiom to avoid saying words wich may offend or be considered unpleasant.
3. In some phrasal verbs the particle has a clear basic meaning.
4. Jack invited me out: let’s go out together.
5. Rosie invited me in: Please come in!
6. Jil invited me over: Come to our place.
7. Paul invited me round: Come to my house for dinner or a drink.
8. Mark invited me up: come upstairs to my flat.
9. Susie invited me along: come with us!
10. Bill invited me back: come back home with me.

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